heroPhotoArthurLiArthurQiangLi ยท he/him
Coding is for indoor guys. Constructing is for outdoor guys.

Hi there ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ‘‹

Welcome to my personal website.

1. What is on this site? ๐Ÿ˜„

I organize and post my projects here so my colleagues can get to know me better. It is also a great way to organize my work, I hadn't realized that I had done so many useful/useless/good/stupid projects.

I categorize my projects into three groups, an idea I got from the poster at my school library.

Project CategoryDescription
WorkProjects related to industrial use, mostly from my work experience
StudyAcademic-related projects, mostly done during my university years
PlayProjects I do for fun, purely out of personal interest
'Work.Study.Play in UoW library'

2. Where is the site hosted? ๐Ÿ”ญ

This website is hosted on one of my Raspberry Pis. It's not a powerful computer, so you might experience some delay or slowness --- totally expected.

See more on the About page.